Wednesday Yorkeys Knob SS Clinic Term 1
Wednesdays 7:45am - 8:45am
Available spots
Service Description
Terms and Conditions. By submitting this form you agree to the following: I accept full responsibility of any injury's that may occur to me or my child, during the participation of the sessions/terms with Total Football Academy NB. I will not hold Total Football Academy NB or its employees accountable for any loss/ damage of property whilst participating in any of the sessions. I agree to release, defend and indemnify Total Football Academy NB and its employees from and against any claims, actions, demands, expenses and liabilities that could arise following injury, loss or damage from my daughter/son participating in Total Football Academy NB. I confirm that all details submitted by me are true and correct. Please specify on the following page if your child has any medical conditions or injury at time of booking that will affect them participating in high intensity training sessions. I hereby accept that during the duration of the Total Football Academy sessions photos and videos might be taken and put on the website or Facebook, if you would not like any photos or videos being taken of your child please specify on the next page.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
0481 955 991
4 nautilus street 4 Nautilus Street, Trinity Beach QLD, Australia